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About a year ago, they began filming “A Shot of Ag” for WTVP Channel 47 (1 p.m. Saturdays on DirectTV Channel 345, DISH 231, and AT&T 568). Meanwhile, they have a regular SharkFarmer TV slot on Omaha- and Nashville-based RFD-TV - the nation’s first 24-hour television network focused on agribusiness and rural lifestyles - now entering its fifth season (airing at 8:30 p.m. Their SharkFarmer Podcast is more than 300 episodes strong, brags 7 million plus downloads, and also enjoys weekend satellite radio play. CST), which he and Emily broadcast live from their barn studio just steps from their Bureau County home, 45 minutes north of Peoria. Sharkey – aka “The Shark Farmer” – has a weekday radio show (SiriusXM RuralRadio, Channel 147, 3 p.m. population 750, the sign says – would, at first blush, seem like an unusual place for a burgeoning media business.Īctually, “I think it’s around 400” people, jokes Rob Sharkey with the characteristic wit and relaxed humor that have earned him and his partner in all things, wife Emily, quite the following on radio, online with a popular podcast, on television including a PBS show, and most recently in print with a regular columnist’s gig.

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